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New Stone Type in Snapshot 21w07a


Average rating: 4.5

Preparations for changing the underworld continue. A Grimstone has been added to the game this week as part of the deepest dungeons. In addition to the block itself, a lot of items from it have also been added.

Grimstone generates at great depths (below 0) and is slightly harder to mine than regular stone. You can make the same blocks from it as from ordinary stone, including slabs, stairs, a fence, and more.

Work continues on world generation and ores placing. In the new snapshot, large underground caves and flooded caves will be less common. Mineshafts in deep dungeons can now be supported not only by columns, but also by chains. Changes have also been made to the distribution of ore types by mining depth. However, this is not the final version yet, the developers are looking for a balance.

Ore blocks have received minor graphical changes. Now they differ not only in color, but also in shape. Only the diamond ore remained unchanged. If you don’t like these changes, then download the Good Old Ores pack with old textures.



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  • I love this update its Sooo Cool,The only thing I dont like is the new ore texture

    • It is designed for colorblind people. Don`t worry, the texturepacks will bring old ores back.

      • Oh thats so thought full minecraft!

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