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Hacker Skin


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Download Hacker skin [2.14 Kb](Downloads: 1158)

Cool hacker skin in a black jacket and anonymous mask. Perfect for playing on a server with a cryptocity mod or just for those who love a similar theme and style.

How to install Hacker skin

For official game version:

  1. Download the skin.
  2. Log in to your account at the official Mojang site.
  3. Go to profile settings.
  4. Click the Upload button next to the image.
  5. Choose the downloaded file.
  6. Launch the game and wait about a minute, the new skin will load.

Installation on unofficial Minecraft versions 1.7.10 and higher:

  1.  Download the skin and rename it to steve.png.
  2. Open the game data folder. To do this, press WIN + R and enter %AppData%\.minecraft.
  3. Open the folder whose name corresponds to your version of the game.
  4. Inside there will be a file [version of the game] .jar, which must be opened using any archiver program (for example, WinRAR or 7Zip).
  5. Inside the archive, go this way through the folders: assets> minecraft> textures> entity.
  6. Drop the steve.png file into this folder by dragging it with the mouse into the archiver window.
  7. Start the game and evaluate the new look of the main character.

Installation on unofficial Minecraft versions 1.5.2-1.7.10:

  1. Download the skin and rename it to char.png.
  2. Open the game data folder. To do this, press WIN + R and enter %AppData%\.minecraft.
  3. Go to the ‘bin’ folder and open the ‘minecraft.jar’ file with any archiver (for example, WinRAR or 7Zip).
  4. Inside the archive, open the mob folder.
  5. Drop the char.png file into this folder by dragging it with the mouse into the archiver window.
  6. Launch Minecraft and see if the changes take effect.

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  • i love it

  • ilove it

  • gostei muito do estilo da skin eu estava procurando skin de hacker para minecraft e não achei vim aqui e achei muito obrigado

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