Useful Stack Item texture pack changes the icons of items in the inventory depending on their number. For example, if you put two ingots together, then exactly this amount will be displayed on the icon. For some items, special icons have been created, for example, a large number of arrows are looking like a quiver. The new textures have a resolution of 32×32, they are made in Faithful style and are best combined with it.

How to install Stack Item texture pack
- Make sure you have Optifine installed and working correctly.
- Download the texture pack and leave it archived.
- Launch Minecraft, go to Settings.
- In the ‘Resource Packs’ section, select ‘Open resource pack folder ’.
- The ‘resourcepacks’ folder will open, copy the archive there.
- After copying, the texture pack will appear in the section of available packages. Click on it to move to the Selected Resource Packs section.
- Start a new game or load an old one. Textures will appear in all saves.