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Caves Generation Updates in Snapshots 21w08a and 21w08b


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Two snapshots were released this week: 21w08a and 21w08b. In the first, the generation of caves was once again changed, and in the second, a new bug with the distribution of ore was fixed.

In this snapshot, Grimstone has been renamed Deepslate. All types of ore can now be generated inside it.

Smooth Basalt has also been added to the game. It can be obtained by smelting common basalt or obtained from amethyst geodes, where it replaced tuff.

Canyons can now be genetically below zero depth, and underground mines can be open-air. Cracks may also appear on the surface.

Experiments on new ore textures are ongoing. The new version may be final or slightly changed. We remind you that if you wish, on new snapshots 1.17, you can return old ore textures using a texture pack.




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