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Hinokami Kagura Resource Pack [16×16]


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Hinokami Kagura is a very high-quality resource pack that not only looks great, but is guaranteed to help fight in PvP more efficiently. You will get beautiful and convenient animated swords, a very unusual interface and more convenient animation. Also in this pack uses very cool sky textures.

How to install Hinokami Kagura resource pack

  1. Make sure you have Optifine installed and working correctly.
  2. Download the resource pack and leave it archived.
  3. Launch Minecraft, go to Settings.
  4. In the ‘Resource Packs’ section, select ‘Open resource pack folder’.
  5. The ‘resourcepacks’ folder will open, copy the archive there.
  6. After copying, the resourcepack will appear in the section of available packages. Click on it to move to the Selected Resource Packs section.
  7. Start a new game or load an old one. Textures will apear in all saves.

Download Resource Pack for Minecraft

MC version 1.14.x-1.15.x
Download Hinokami Kagura 1.14.x-1.15.x [18.52 Mb](Downloads: 417)
MC version 1.7.x-1.8.x


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