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The World Height Growth and Noise Caves Removed in 21w15a


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This week’s snapshot is a bit unusual. It has removed some of the content added earlier. This is due to changes in plans and division of the Caves & Cliffs update. It will be split into two parts: the first will be released in the summer, but will not contain a change in the height of the world and new types of caves. These changes have been carried over to the end of the year.

Full list of changes in snapshot 21w15a:

  • noise caves and aquifers have been removed from the game;
  • world height returned to version 1.16 levels;
  • all changes to the ore distribution are canceled;
  • copper is generated at an heigth of 0 to 192, and tuff is generated from 0 to 16;
  • goats now attack more entities, including armor stands;
  • creepers avoid meeting goats;
  • the use of bone meal is accompanied by a crunchy sound;
  • slightly changed the order of blocks in the creative mode menu;
  • in the background in the menu there is now a cave and an amethyst geode;
  • blocks of raw ore have received new textures;

If you want to play with the increased world height and new caves, you can download the official datapack, which contains the deleted changes.



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