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OptiLithium Mod


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Achieve maximum optimization using the OptiLithium mod. It allows you to get all the benefits of Optifine and Lithium, which are incompatible by default. Since this mod currently only works with Fabric, you must also install OptiFabric. Lithium reduces CPU usage by improving game physics processing, mob behavior, and more. Optifine works more with graphics and also provides more flexible settings. Together, they will allow you to run Minecraft even on weak PCs. Please note that OptiLithium only provides compatibility, and does not perform all of these functions by itself. Both mods need to be downloaded separately.

How to install OptiLithium mod

  1. Make sure you have installed Fabric Mod Loader and Fabric API.
  2. Download the mod for your version of the game.
  3. Put it, as well as Optifine, Lithium, and OptiFabric in the mods folder, which is located in the game folder..
MC version 1.19.4
Download OptiLithium 1.19.4 [651.45 Kb](Downloads: 132)


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