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Hardcore Revival Mod [Fabric]


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The Hardcore Revival mod will make it a little easier to survive in a team. With it, players will be able to lift each other for a limited time. Having lost all HP, the player will not die but get knockout. A timer will appear on the screen, as well as a button that will allow you to immediately surrender. After “resurrection” the player receives a small debuff in the form of increased hunger. The mod can be used in both normal survival and hardcore mode. There is also a version of Hardcore Revival for Forge.

Инструкция по установке мода Revival Mod

  1. Убедись, что у тебя установлен Fabric Mod Loader и Fabric API.
  2. Additionally, download and install the BALM library.
  3. Скачай мод для своей версии игры.
  4. Закинь его в папку mods, которая расположена в папке с игрой.
MC version 1.21.4
Download Hardcore Revival 1.21.4 [228.90 Kb](Downloads: 1)
MC version 1.21
Download Hardcore Revival 1.21 [225.38 Kb](Downloads: 3)
MC version 1.20.4
Download Hardcore Revival 1.20.4 [222.63 Kb](Downloads: 0)
MC version 1.20-1.20.1
Download Hardcore Revival 1.20-1.20.1 [214.03 Kb](Downloads: 2)
MC version 1.19.4
Download Hardcore Revival 1.19.4 [213.02 Kb](Downloads: 5)
MC version 1.19.2
Download Hardcore Revival 1.19.2 [208.76 Kb](Downloads: 14)
MC version 1.18.2
Download Hardcore Revival 1.18.2 [210.64 Kb](Downloads: 7)


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