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Tables and Chairs Data Pack


Average rating: 4

With the Tables and Chairs data pack, you can craft beautiful decorative furniture in Minecraft even without installing mods. It adds several recipes to help you create tables and chairs with designs of your choice.

Datapak allows you to craft two types of table and three types of chairs. Their appearance will depend on the materials chosen. For example, the color of the main structures is influenced by the selected type of wood, and blocks of wool of any color can be used for upholstery.

There are two types of tables: regular and marble. The following recipes are used for them:

Wooden and marble tables

The game will have a regular and improved chair, as well as a luxurious throne:

Two kinds of chairs and a throne

A special hammer is used for various actions with furniture. With it, you can change the shape and position of the created objects by right-clicking on them.

Hammer crafting

Tables and chairs can be decorated as you like. To do this, you need to take one of avialable object in your hand and right-click on the furniture. The following options are available:

  • using a carpet adds a tablecloth on the table;
  • clicking with a gold or iron ingot in hand creates a working candlestick with candles, and clicking with a torch will add a glowing torch;
  • using colored carpets you can paint the upholstery of the chair in any color.

Chairs are usable items and can be seated in one of two ways. They can be selected by typing the appropriate command in the console:

  • /function tables_chairs:config/sit/custom – sitting and standig up by pressing Shift, there is no sitting animation;
  • /function tables_chairs:config/sit/pigseat –sitting by pressing the right mouse button, standig up with Shift (in the same way as with mounts), there is a sitting animation, but at the same time there will be a slightly noticeable saddle for the pig under the player.

How to install Tables and Chairs datapack

  1. Download the archive with datapack.
  2. Open the datapacks folder in your save (saves are located at .minecraft/saves).
  3. Drop the folder called “Tables_Chairs” from the archive here.
  4. Drop the folder with the name “Chuck’s Packs V4 RP” into “resourcepacks” folder, and after starting the game, select this resourcepack in the settings.
  5. Load the save and use the command /reload.
  6. Datapak is ready to use (within the chosen save).

Download datapack for Minecraft

MC version 1.20.x
Download Tables and Chairs 1.20.x [329.65 Kb](Downloads: 1)
MC version 1.17.x-1.19.x
Download Tables and Chairs 1.17.x-1.19.x [101.93 Kb](Downloads: 101)
MC version 1.15.x-1.16.x
MC version 1.13.x-1.14.x
Download Tables and Chairs [1.84 Mb](Downloads: 72)


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