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Parachute Data Pack


Average rating: 5

Parachute data pack added the ability to mine a full-fledged parachute to Minecraft. It will allow you to fly down from any height without getting injured.

To create a parachute, you first need to create a special generator block. To do this, you need to stack a music block, a chest-trap and a frame on top of each other. After that, you need to put a free fall potion in the frame. To craft the parachute itself, in this block you need to combine 4 blocks of sheep wool, 3 leashes, 3 sticks and 1 phantom membrane. To open the parachute, you need to pick it up and press the F button.

How to install Parachute datapack

  1. Download the archive with datapack.
  2. Open the datapacks folder in your save (saves are located at .minecraft/saves).
  3. Copy the datapack folder there.
  4. Load your saved game and execute the command /reload.
  5. Datapak is ready to use (within the chosen save).

Download datapack for Minecraft

MC version 1.13.x
Download Parachute [314.53 Kb](Downloads: 118)


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