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Corail Pillar Mod [Fabric]


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The Corail Pillar mod for Fabric introduces two types of rounded pillar-shaped blocks that seamlessly integrate with your Minecraft world. These extensible blocks are designed to perfectly match vanilla textures—or your preferred texture pack—by utilizing mainly rock and wood blocks, with a few extra fancy options included for added flair.

Originally developed for Minecraft 1.12.2, this mod featured a wide array of variants through its extensions. In newer versions, the mod focuses on providing support for vanilla blocks, offering a streamlined experience that maintains compatibility with the latest game updates. If you’re looking for the Forge version, you can find it here.

Crafting Recipes

To craft a thin pillar, arrange three blocks vertically in the center column of the crafting grid, with a clay ball placed in the middle slot. This shaped recipe is easy to remember and adds a touch of elegance to your builds.

How to install Corail Pillar mod

  1. Make sure you have installed Fabric Mod Loader and Fabric API.
  2. Download the mod for your version of the game.
  3. Put it in the ‘mods’ folder, which is located in the game folder.
MC version 1.21.x
Download Corail Pillar 1.21.x [608.83 Kb](Downloads: 1)


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