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Majrusz’s Progressive Difficulty Mod


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The Majrusz’s Progressive Difficulty mod will appeal to players who find Minecraft too easy in the game’s later stages. With it, the game will gradually become more complicated, so you will always have new challenges. Even with the best equipment, you will need to try hard to survive successfully.

Minecraft will get three difficulty levels:

  • Normal. Activated at the beginning of the game by default, almost no different from normal survival. But in the game now there will be armies of mobs, which will have a strengthened leader.
  • Expert. Activated after the first entrance to the Nether. Mobs get stronger, but they bring more loot. The Illusionist and a giant zombie appear in the game.
  • Master. Activated after the first entrance to the End. New mobs will be spawned, such as the End Creeper. But, at the same time, the player gets more experience and loot.

Some new mechanics and features will also appear in the game:

  • Bleeding. Similar to the effects of poisoning, it gradually takes away health. It can start as a result of the attack of mobs, it gets stronger with each level of difficulty. To stop it, you can craft a web bandage.
  • Treasure Bags. It is dropped by the strongest mobs. It may contain unique weapons and items.
  • Raids. Sometimes whole armies of mobs, led by the leader, can start on players.
  • End Shards. A new rare material that can be used to upgrade Netherite items.

Thus, the mod not only complicates the game, but also introduces new mechanics that make it more interesting and varied in the later stages.

How to install Progressive Difficulty Mod

  1. Make sure you have installed Minecraft Forge and Majrusz library.
  2. Download the mod for your version of the game.
  3. Put it in the ‘mods’ folder, which is located in the game folder.
MC version 1.20.1
MC version 1.19.3
MC version 1.19-1.19.2
MC version 1.18.2
MC version 1.18.1
MC version 1.17.1
MC version 1.16.4-1.16.5


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