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“Village near the Giant Arch” Seed


Average rating: 5

If you are ready to go really far for the beautiful scenery in Minecraft, then appreciate this interesting seed. At the coordinates -1900 ~ -1260, a small village is located near a giant arch, more than 100 blocks high. Several houses and farms are located right on the cliffs of this impressive mountain. From all sides, lava and water streams run along it, which makes the rocks even more impressive. There is a deep canyon under the village, so you can not only rise high, but also go down almost to the bedrock.

How to use Village near the Giant Arch seed

  1. Launch Minecraft
  2. Start the Singleplayer mode
  3. Select ‘Create New World’
  4. Then click on ‘More World Options…’
  5. In the ‘Seed for the World generation’ field, enter 2367926886357644027
  6. Click the ‘Create New World’ button
  7. Start to explore the generated map
MC version 1.14.x-1.16
Click to copy seed


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  • For me only two living villagers, takes some work to make the village villagerproof and populated but the view is asweome. On the way is a desert zombie village with a bell destert dungeon (somewhere at -1000,z,-800) and near final village at -1900, z, -1500 there is a dessert temple which I haven’t visited yet. 5/5 Seed

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