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Wolf Armor and Storage Mod


Average rating: 3.9

With the Wolf Armor and Storage mod, tamed wolves in Minecraft can become even more useful. Now you can craft armor for them from various materials, such as leather, iron, gold, etc.

Wearing armor will greatly enhance their protection and allow them to survive battles with strong rivals. To open the interface of the tamed wolf, right-click on it with the Shift button held down. In addition, they will now also be able to carry a small amount of cargo. To do this, pick up the box and click on the wolf with the right button. This will add six cells to it, into which items can be stacked according to the same principle as for cargo lamas.

How to install Wolf Armor and Storage mod

  1. Make sure you have installed Minecraft Forge.
  2. Download the mod for your version of the game.
  3. Put it in the ‘mods’ folder, which is located in the game folder.
MC version 1.18.1
MC version 1.12.2
MC version 1.12.1
Download Wolf Armor and Storage 1.12.1 [199.15 Kb](Downloads: 69)
MC version 1.12
Download Wolf Armor and Storage 1.12 [201.18 Kb](Downloads: 22)
MC version 1.11.2
Download Wolf Armor and Storage 1.11.2 [146.94 Kb](Downloads: 19)
MC version 1.11
Download Wolf Armor and Storage 1.11 [146.03 Kb](Downloads: 10)
MC version 1.10.2
Download Wolf Armor and Storage 1.10.2 [149.82 Kb](Downloads: 23)
MC version 1.7.10
Download Wolf Armor and Storage 1.7.10 [142.26 Kb](Downloads: 119)


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