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Spawner Craft Data Pack


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Spawn any creatures with the Spawner Craft datapack. You can separately create an empty cage and an egg of almost all creatures from Minecraft. This will require a regular chicken egg, a gold ingot and two more entities associated with the mob. For example, a spider egg would require two strands and an eye. Pictures with all the recipes can be found in the datapack archive.

How to install Spawner Craft data pack

  1. Download the archive with data pack.
  2. Open the data packs folder in your save (saves are located at .minecraft/saves).
  3. Copy the data pack folder there.
  4. Load your saved game and execute the command /reload.
  5. Data pack is ready to use (within the chosen save).

Download data pack for Minecraft

MC version 1.20.x
Download Spawner Craft 1.20.x [84.99 Kb](Downloads: 7)
MC version 1.19.x
Download Spawner Craft 1.19.x [76.75 Kb](Downloads: 103)
MC version 1.18.x
Download Spawner Craft 1.18.x [75.86 Kb](Downloads: 25)
MC version 1.17.x
Download Spawner Craft 1.17.x [77.02 Kb](Downloads: 59)
MC version 1.16.x
Download Spawner Craft 1.16.x [69.54 Kb](Downloads: 89)
MC version 1.15.x
Download Spawner Craft 1.15.x [27.52 Kb](Downloads: 19)
MC version 1.13.x-1.14.x
Download Spawner Craft [204.53 Kb](Downloads: 17)


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