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Craftable Horse Armour and Saddle Mod [Fabric]


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All Minecraft players know how difficult it can be to find a saddle or horse armor. But this problem can be quickly solved with the help of the Craftable Horse Armor and Saddle mod. With it, recipes for crafting everything you need will appear in the game, while they will not be too simple so as not to upset the game balance. Now you will not need to immediately look for temples or dungeons, just get the usual resources and create everything you need. There is also a version of the mod for Forge, which is also updated to the latest versions.

Инструкция по установке мода Craftable Horse Armour and Saddle

  1. Убедись, что у тебя установлен Fabric Mod Loader и Fabric API.
  2. Скачай мод для своей версии игры.
  3. Закинь его в папку mods, которая расположена в папке с игрой.
MC version 1.21
MC version 1.20.x
MC version 1.19-1.19.2
MC version 1.18.x
MC version 1.17.x


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