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YUNG`s API [Forge]


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The YUNG`s API library is the basis for many mods from YUNG modmaker. Almost all of them are designed to improve existing structures in Minecraft. One of them is Better Mineshafts, which upgrades mines. This library contains only functions for creating mods and does not affect the game in any way, so it should only be installed if it is indicated in the instructions for the mod or assembly.

How to install YUNG`s API

  1. Make sure you have installed Minecraft Forge.
  2. Download the mod for your version of the game.
  3. Put it in the ‘mods’ folder, which is located in the game folder.
MC version 1.21.1
Download YUNG`s API 1.21.1 [354.58 Kb](Downloads: 0)
MC version 1.20.4
Download YUNG`s API 1.20.4 [331.24 Kb](Downloads: 4)
MC version 1.19.4
Download YUNG`s API 1.19.4 [289.03 Kb](Downloads: 20)
MC version 1.19.3
Download YUNG`s API 1.19.3 [279.18 Kb](Downloads: 9)
MC version 1.19.2
Download YUNG`s API 1.19.2 [203.77 Kb](Downloads: 29)
MC version 1.18.2
Download YUNG`s API 1.18.2 [197.36 Kb](Downloads: 7)
Download YUNG`s API 1.16.4-1.16.5 [103.57 Kb](Downloads: 26)


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