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Squid Game Map


Average rating: 3

The Squid Game map reproduces one game from the popular Korean TV series. It is designed only for multiplayer, and at least three players must participate (the optimal number is 4). Some of them act as participants: they need to get from one end of the room to the other. In this case, you need to follow the light of the lighthouse: while it is green, you can go. The task of the guards is to kill players who did not have time to stop after the light turned red.

How to install Pumpkin Party Remastered map

  1. Download the archive.
  2. Unzip its contents into the ‘saves’ folder located in the game folder.
  3. Launch Minecraft, start a game, choosing the world Pumpkin Party Remastered.

Download map for Minecraft

MC version 1.17.x
Download Squid Game 1.17.x [310.30 Kb](Downloads: 480)


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