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Daruma Modded Map


Average rating: 2

Daruma map is a full-fledged RPG game with a huge open world, cool storyline and many side quests. The authors has done an incredible work,  and the result is an interesting world where you can stay for many hours. Explore vast expanses and dungeons, fight against powerful bosses and get legendary treasures!

This card has a huge number of features, so it could not run without mods. The most important of them is Custom NPC, with its help dialogs and a quest system are implemented. You can complete almost every task in different ways, as well as make various decisions that will affect the fate of the characters and their attitude towards you. In addition to mods, you must use a special resourcepack, which you will also find in the archive. The following features are implemented on the map:

  • more than 2000 lines of dialogue with NPCs around the world;
  • cities and villages with a well-planned layout, shops and other institutions;
  • interesting sidequests with unexpected endings;
  • several fractions with the possibility of entering and passing a special series of tasks;
  • a huge amount of custom weapons, a well-developed system of loot and trade;
  • beautiful terrestrial landscapes and huge dark dungeons with hundreds of enemies;
  • the ability of role playing due to the presence of choice in almost all situations.

In the archive you will find the minimum set of mods needed to run. The card works only under Forge on version 1.12.2. If you wish, you can add your own mods, but it should be done very carefully. The author recommends installing any mini-map, as well as Baubles. On weak PCs, it will not be out of place to use Optifine and other optimization mods. On this map recommended to turn off background music in the Minecraft settings and set the rendering distance to 16 chunks or less.

How to install Daruma map

  1. Download the archive.
  2. Extract its contents into the .minecraft folder (if you don’t know how to get into it, press Windows+R, type %AppData%\.minecraft and click OK).
  3. Launch Minecraft and select the Daruma resource pack in the settings.
  4. Launch Minecraft, start a game, choosing the world Daruma.

Download map for Minecraft

MC version 1.12.2
Download Daruma [497.13 Mb](Downloads: 90)


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